
Has anyone moved recently? We have lived here in the same house since 1997. That’s 20 years in September. We are talking about leaving as we have equity and can move to Louisiana and live comfortably for at least a year on what we can sale the property. Now that being said, how do you decide what goes and what stays. We have 4 dogs and 5 cats that will be moving with us.

We decided last week on this move and have given my son first chance at purchasing this property. The next thing is getting a camper shell for the truck to convert to a place for the animals to travel. We will also need a trailer to pull behind the truck. This week we have went to see 2 camper shells. The first one is too big and the 2nd one has a leaky roof and damaged flooring. Neither one will work so we will keep looking. For the trailer, we do have a boat sitting on a nice trailer. To convert it, we would need to remove the boat – Ugh – and then put a floor and sides on the trailer frame.

The idea of moving is overwhelming. We have collected so much stuff. We will probably leave large appliances and furniture but take the generator, power washer and tools. We will most likely sell the motorcycles and car just so we don’t have to move them. We will put the golf cart up for sell next week and should be able to get a couple thousand dollars. How many small kitchen appliances, pans, dishes, glasses, etc. should we take? Then of course paperwork and pictures will be going. I have collected quite a bit of holiday decorations. Do we take them or leave them? We have wood and projects in the shop. Should we take any of that stuff?

The one good thing right now is that we only work on Saturday and Sunday so we have 5 days a week to plan this move.

Need a change – – – –

June is almost here and it must be time for a change. We started our wood shop in February and have only sold one American Flag. Had a lot of nibbles in regards to our conversion picnic table but not an order yet. I think our biggest issue is marketing. We have tried a few things that obviously hasn’t been successful: flea market, etsy shop, Craigslist, Mothers Day Sale, new signs, business cards and fliers, even posting on Nextdoor to contact our neighbors. We have also done things like getting our resale permit and getting a Square card reader so we can take credit card payments.

I also was doing well as far as sewing for Christmas presents, birthdays and Mothers Day but can’t seem to get motivated to complete a flag for upcoming holidays. Should have made a flag for Memorial Day. Didn’t happen.

I started this blog in February 2012 and I currently only have 79 followers. Thanks to all that have joined my blog. I need to either change how I blog, try videos, or just change directions. The hardest part for me is sharing personal information. Not that I have an exciting life or anything but the more successful blogs I see seem to share parts of their lives.

I guess I haven’t found what I am passionate about. What’s the old saying? “Jack of all trades but master of none.” That’s how I feel.

Maybe I should set some goals either weekly or monthly. Like complete one quilting project or one wood project or one cross stitch project or one sewing project . . or . .or . . . . .

See the problem. Too many things I like to do. I’m pretty good at them. But get lost with lack of decisiveness. Maybe this is the type of blog I should be doing. Just talking.

Blue Wine Display

I shared the wine displays we have made in our wood shop.  Today I wanted to show you the nice blue wine display I finished.  I do like this color of blue.



I also decided to make a smaller American Flag.  The trickiest part about making different sizes of flags is making the stencil for the stars.  I use an exacto knife set which I got for Christmas





and print the stars on a piece of paper.  Then I sit and cut out all 50 stars.





Cherish an Antique Day



We purchased this oak table at a yard sale a couple of weeks ago. It does not have any markings from a builder. So we have to assume that it was probably made in someones barn for their house. The craftsmanship is wonderful. The legs appear to have been hand lathed.





The feet are made of many pieces of wood put together than cut to the shape desired.





It has an mechanism to release the extra leaf which is stored under the main table.




I have to finish sanding the top to get the old finish off. I will then use a wood soap to clean the table thoroughly before using a clear polyurethane to give it a nice finish. Today we are to cherish antiques and I believe the best way is to restore and preserve old furniture.

National Quilting Day

Today I had planned on spending in my work space doing some quilting but just now heading that way. There surely can’t be another way to spend National Quilting Day after all. We did have a productive morning however. We went to a couple of yard sales and picked up 3 wonderful large wood pieces and 2 small wood items. I will share these projects when they get revamped.

I will be working on at least one of these 3 quilting projects today. Maybe 2 or even all three. I have planned to make a flag for Easter that will be in the shape of a basket with a couple of rabbits. I have a Star Wars quilt kit that I will be using as the back of the Grandma’s Favorite Block Quilt which I plan on giving to my son and his wife (hopefully for Christmas). The third project is a table runner kit that may also be part of a Christmas gift. And off I go. Can’t wait to see how the afternoon goes.

*National Quilting Day is observed annually on the third Saturday in March. It is a day that is celebrated around the country with special quilting shows, classes, open museums and much more. This is a day to appreciate and to recognize quilt makers, along with all of their long labor, love and skill that goes into the making of each quilt.

A quilt is a layer of batting or stuffing between two layers of pieced together fabric. Early American quilts were the result of patched together pieces of worn out blankets and clothing. Since they had to weave their own fabrics, there was little time for creative piecing together of colorful, artful patterns. These items were purely functional.

By the mid 18th century Americans were making elaborate quilts designed to be handed down from mother to daughter, often pieced together from salvaged pieces of clothing and other bedding.


Buy a homemade quilt or make one yourself. Use #NationalQuiltingDay to post on social media.


At the 22nd annual show of the National Quilting Association in Lincoln, Nebraska in June of 1991, a resolution was passed and National Quilting Day was started.


American Flag – Wood

In our wood shop we are making flags. The first one we have made is the American Flag seen here. We made the flag 20” tall and 34” wide out of 1 by 1 1/2” wood strips. We then connected them with biscuits and glue. The red strip is done with redwood stain. The trickiest part was painting the white stars onto the blue section in the right pattern and size so it looks like the actual flag. Finally, we sealed it with Polyurethane so you can hang it outside as well as inside. It turned out well and we have sold our first flag (also our first item) made in our shop. Yay!!!

Folding Chair Revamp


As you can see, I was still on my red kick when I revamped these 2 wood chairs. I was using these chairs  with a small glass table. It would have the red salt & pepper shakers and napkins in the center on a colorful table cloth. At this time, we are not using the glass round table in the dining room.

I really liked this fabric because it had a red stripe in it along with these other bright colors. I did realize that in order for the fabric to look more finished I would have to remove the chair back to cover it completely. I decided not to do that at the time but may want to in the future.

Salt & Pepper Shakers

I’m sure everyone has a wood salt shaker & pepper grinder set somewhere in their house. Or at least did at one time. I decided to brighten up several old items around the house & one of them was my wood salt & pepper set.

To do this was pretty simple. First put painters tape (you know that blue masking tape) on the metal holes on top of the salt shaker and the bottom where you fill it. Then remove the top of the pepper grinder and cover the top & bottom so you won’t get any paint onto where the pepper will pass through. With this done simply use a spray paint color of your choice, I chose red because I was in the mood for a bright color. If you are actually use them, you will want to do 2 coats so they are covered evenly and extra well. If you’re just using them as a decoration, then 1 coat would be sufficient.

Salt_Pepper (1)




Here is what my bright revamped salt & pepper set looks like now.